Friday, March 2, 2007

Try, try again

I flung myself out into cyberspace,

And found that I was ill-equipped to face that great unknown.

Now, somewhat armed* I take another step,

Instead of wisely running back into my comfort zone.

*After my first bumbling attempt at blogging I emailed my blogging daughter and I visited the "help center." Now I know just enough to be dangerous, but not enough to edit an already published post so it's out there, as is, with problems. Don't even bother to try the links on that one.

Why is it that you can have all kind of ideas running around in your head and then, when you sit down in front of the screen, they all fly away? But since, after a few futile attempts I actually got back to my bog, oops! blog, (that's actually a good word for my brain functions at the moment) I'll fling out a few thoughts.

As a grandmother I feel I'm entitled to offer advice. Here's my gem for today:
Try new things even if it scares you a little, especially if it's something you've thought about doing for a l-o-n-g time.

I became an elementary school teacher at age 45. At age eight I decided I wanted to be an elementary school teacher because of a wonderful third grade teacher. When my youngest daughter was eight I began teaching third grade. There were days the first few overwhelming weeks when I wondered WHY I wanted to be a teacher. But over the years I learned to love teaching, love the students, and love the adventure of reaching young minds and hearts. I hope that somewhere there is a student or two who wants to be a teacher because they felt that love. One of my favorite momentos is a carefully hand lettered and decorated note that read:
You are a
Y tichur Y

Teaching is a noble profession. Too bad they don't get paid like basketball players do. After all they're just molding the future. Okay, off the soap box. Actually, I'm retired but some days I miss it a little.

This new thing of blogging still scares me a little, but not as much as sky diving, which I almost tried. Having a baby in a foreign country, living in Spain with 7 children for a year (the oldest one was twelve), eating octopus, cow's stomach and pig brains (not together), taking up water coloring and quilting (also not together but, why not?), designing a house which we may build someday, climbing a mountain (once) which my husband and children have climbed many times, buying a trampoline and painting my kitchen table red, are all adventures which were a bit scary but interesting and rewarding. Having two daughters who love sky diving is little scary, too.

So.... try something new. You just might have fun.

Maybe I'll take another leap of faith and tell my family I have a blog.


Julie Q. said...

Wahoo. My mom is so cool. She has her own blog. Thanks for being an amazing example to all of us. I'm glad you're brave enough to try something new even if it is a bit intimidating. I am especially impressed with the hearts in your decorated note. Even I don't know how to do that yet.

P.S. You are a grate muther.

stay said...

Hi mom! Congratulations on setting up a blog. The *real* trick is continuing to post after the first few weeks. Julie's got that down, but I bet it's not easy. :)

Grate poust!

The Cocanours said...

Cool Mom. Even if it is pink. Now I have one more reason why my
mom is cooler than Johnny's
mom. Don't worry too much. We have both been too busy and poor lately to be doing much skydiving. But basejumping is free.

Tangent Woman said...

Wow, I am impressed - your accidental blog is way better than mine. I am having a hard time even logging back in.
Did you write the cyberspace poem? - I like it.
I'll have to call you for technical help on my blog now.
Let's see if we can get Dad blogging :)

Klutzmom said...

How about a family blog????

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Hi Julie's Mom!

Definitely one of the best accidental blogs I've ever seen. Welcome to the bloggisphere! Mwahahahah!

If you click on "settings" on your blogger dashboard, then "permissions", you can add authours to a blog by tying in their e-mail addresses.

And I don't know how to do the hearts either.