Thursday, March 15, 2007

Poetry and Parenting

I imagine genuine poets would love so many times,
To tell us stumbling amateurs that poems are more than


I decided that I would start each blog with a little poem, rhyme, ditty or whatever. After I read some of Kimberly’s poetry I had second thought about the idea. Hers are beautiful, polished and deep. Mine are kinda surfacey. Ooooh, the spell checker won’t like those two words. But then, it doesn’t like BLOG either. I get a kick out of some of the spell checker’s suggestions, especially for names.

Nevertheless, I enjoy rhyming words. The activity cheers me and helps keep my mind sharp. At my age I look for ways to keep the mind sharp: sudokos, crossword puzzles, cryptoquotes, reading, writing, games, etc. Although my children might tell you it’s a lost cause. Their theory is that you lose brain cells with the birth of each child. I’m in serious trouble. I’m not sure if you lose the brain cells during childbirth or during the years of worry about the children’s physical, social, mental, and spiritual welfare. Somehow, I had the mistaken idea that once your children are married you no longer worry about them. Not true. You still worry, and have little or no control over the situation. And then there are grandchildren added to the mix. My children and their spouses are great parents and I have wonderful grandchildren, so why do I still worry? Hey, that’s a grandmother’s prerogative! I thought that was spelled perogative but the spell checker disagrees.

Is one of the signs of senility wandering, random thoughts?

Back to “poetry.” I just want you to be forewarned that I will carry on with pathetic, paltry poetry as a preamble to my painfully pondered posts. If you don’t see a verse it’s not that I gave up the idea. It’s that the “muse” has wandered away. But it will come limping back hoping for better reception. Someday I’ll publish with panache.


Julie Q. said...

I like the poem. You've always had a way with rhymes. (And also alliteration, apparently.)

Sorry, I'm sure I've cost you a few of those brain cells. But they say grandkids keep you on your toes and I've contributed a few of those, so I'm even, right?

Klutzmom said...

Right. And they are great even if they get sick all winter.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I thought that was absolutely lovely, and not at all "surfacey". In fact, I scrolled down after I read it to see what famous poet you were quoting. =)

And thanks so much for the sweet words.